Contemplative Centering Prayer with Steve Stearns

Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer developed in the 1980's by three Trappist monks: Fr Thomas Keating, Fr Basil Pennington, and Fr William Meninger. They were keenly aware that there was a new interest in methods of transformative practice, especially those taught in the East, and sought to create a "method" that they could teach to American Christians who were interested in deepening spiritually. The practice of Centering Prayer leads one in time, almost inevitably, to contemplative prayer and Divine Union.

You are invited to practice Centering Prayer in community, every Monday evening at 6;00pm Eastern Time in the Manse building (closest to the parking lot) at Unity of Augusta.

Each session opens with a prayer, followed by a scripture reading and twenty minutes of Centering Prayer. A brief time of intercessory prayer (group prayer) and sharing follows. All are welcome regardless of spiritual orientation.

Guidelines On  Centering Prayer: